Saturday, November 2, 2019

German paper 3+4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

German paper 3+4 - Essay Example He was consistent with conventional history when he said that after the US joined the war, Germany was defeated. But what conventional history did not say, which he said was that the Germans blamed Zionist Jews for the entry of the US, thus their defeat (Freedman, par.24). This he said was the root of German discrimination against Jews which was indeed justified. If what he said was true, was conventional history then wrong in saying that the Germans at that time were envious of the economic success of Jews? Was it wrong in saying that the Germans were blaming their difficulties on the Jews because the Jews were in control of media and a lot of the industries then? As an aside, Freedman also said that â€Å"Jews happened to be maybe 98 percent of the Communists in Europe at that time† (Freedman, par. 26).† Unbelievable! To fight back, the Jews declared war on Germany (Daily Express, p.1). It called on Jews all over the world to boycott all products made in Germany. Germa ny depended a lot on its exports. By declaring economic and financial war, its aim was to hurt Germany economically, starve its people, and compel Germany â€Å"to end its campaign of violence† against Jews (Daily Express, par. 7).

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