Wednesday, July 31, 2019
“Figures of Speech Are Sometimes Used to Effectively Convey a Sense of Place.â€Â
â€Å"Figures of speech are sometimes used to effectively convey a sense of place. †Explain and evaluate how this is achieved in text 22 and one other text of your choice. Text 22 and text 23 both use figures of speech to effectively convey a sense of place. Text 22 is a private diary in second person singular, this is a positive view on travel, the writer’s attitudes and personality emerges with exuberance, energy and enthusiasm for the people she meets and the landscape she sees. The audience of this text are middle-aged writers particularly women. The primary purpose is to describe and the secondary purpose is to entertain. In contrast, text 23 is a third person narrative travel article from a magazine, the audience of this text is educated travellers and people interested in travel. The purpose of this text is primarily to inform, and secondarily to entertain (similarly to text 22). A negative and positive view of travel is expressed by the writer in text 23. Text 22 uses figures of speech like personification and metaphors to convey a sense of place. Personification is used to describe the Helm Crag, â€Å"Helm Crag rose very bold and craggy, a being by itself†It is becoming a part of the beautiful surroundings described by the writer of the diary or maybe a monster as the adjectives bold and craggy are not blissful. The metaphor, â€Å"the river came galloping past the church†brings the river to life describing it like a horse, a horse is quite a pleasant spirited animal meaning the view of the writer was that of positivism towards horses maybe she rode horses regularly or even owned one, this shows the personality of the writer and her positive view on the nature and her surroundings. Also the metaphor, â€Å"the ashes glittering spears with their upright stems†this extra information in a long complex sentence brings life and personality to the trees, the writer obviously sees the nature of her landscape more alive and closer to her than her friends, as she describes the nature surrounding her more positively than her friends mentioned for example, â€Å"Mr and Mrs Olliff drank tea and supped with us†Whereas, text 23 uses a variety of figures of speech like metaphors, hyperbole, similes and imagery to convey a sense of place. The metaphor, â€Å"unparalleled network of virtually maintenance free highways†describes the comparison between the rivers of Africa and the British motorways. But the Zaire River is different to British motorways in shape; the rivers of Africa are curved and winding. In addition, unbelievable descriptive imagery is used, â€Å"revenge glistening in its green eyes†this negative imagery describes the crocodiles as evil and avenging. Hyperbole is used, â€Å"screaming traders jammed the other†the over-exaggerated verb â€Å"screaming†is used to show the extent of the vocal chords used by the traders, and the attitudes and desperate feelings of the traders which the writer emphasises through this quotation. The simile, â€Å"toted like furry purses†is used to describe the misfortune of the monkeys and the cruelty the animals mentioned had suffered. Comparing the white-nosed monkeys to purses emphasises the attitudes of the capitalist traders just looking for profit.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Memorial Health System Essay
In going through the case study of the Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation it is apparent that the direction of the implementation was developing trouble from the onset of the proposal and the evaluation (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The first problem that is apparent is the lack of belief in the project. When the board approved the CPOE initiative and appointed the champions of the project the CEO Fred Dryer and CIO Joe Roberts there was already opposition from some of the stakeholders about this project. The physician believed the CPOE system would create more workload for them as well as this system reducing the physician to secretaries. To minimize the effect of this indicator a physician would have been appointed as a champion of this project to serve as an advocate of the system (Wager, Glaser, 2009). To gain buy-in from other physicians and user of the new system to ensure they have adequate input into the decision- making process (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The lack of clarity of purpose is apparent in this implementation. The project does not determine the scope and expectations clearly the board approved a multimillion dollar initiative to install an enterprise-wide clinician provider order entry system to reduce medical errors. To minimize this indicator the implementation team must determine the scope of the project and what the organization hopes the project will achieve (Wager, Glaser, 2009). A senior health care executive should meet with the implementation team to set the tone and communicate how the project relates to the organization’s strategic goals (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The team will determine the scope, establish expectations, and institute a project plan to minimize this indicator (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Insufficient leadership support is another indicator that played a part in the failure of this implementation. When leadership wants to hear positive communication about a project and not the negatives the project will fail. To minimize this indicator clear and concise communication on the progress of the project is necessary the leader involve in the project should make time for reports on the progress of the implementation to handle any issues that may occur that could hinder the progress of the project (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Appointing people who believe and committed to the project into leadership position to lead the team and make time for communication from team and other leadership (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Another issue that was an indicator of failure to this project was the requirements analysis was rushed several key workflow and system integration issues were missed. To minimize this indicator a thorough requirement analysis is done to ensure that all workflow analysis to support the change in workflow and the system requirements analysis to ensure the requirements needed for the system to work are aligned with the strategic goals of the organization (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Budget cut to the project was a big indicator the would lead to failure of this project because in the status review meeting it was presented that the project was on scope, on schedule, and on budget led to leadership taking resources from the CPOE project. It is important the present a true picture of how the project is going not just what someone wants to hear (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Present a clear picture of how the budget is spent and what the project will continue to spend as the implementation goes to completion, such as training, or a newer version of the software (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Showing an account of the budget can help to minimize this indicator (Wager, Glaser, 2009). This project was doom from the beginning there was not a clear scope or the expectation of the project. Analysis were not done there was not a detail project plan plus and unrealistic time line for the project to be implemented. Leadership did not communicate enough to persuade the stakeholders who were against the project to change their thoughts and so on. However, for the project to work the objectives of the initiatives are clear and communicating these objectives and initiative, and test the degree to which the organizational members have brought into them. Dividing the project into manageable pieces address the complexity and test the evidence that the project may be at risk from trying to do too much all at once. Reference Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). Health Care Information System: A practical approach for health care management (2nd ed.). San Frncisco, CA: Jossey-Bas.
Monday, July 29, 2019
A Study Of Russias Political Ideologies And Vladimir Putins Administration
A Study Of Russia's Political Ideologies And Vladimir Putin's Administration The symbiotic relationship between politics and the economy benefits society as a whole, and this carefully constructed, mutually beneficial connection can easily turn sour should one side negatively impact the other. To further expand upon this claim, it is hardly a revolutionary idea to say that economic theories have changed depending on who has political control, and individual politicians can usurp power depending on the state of the economy. A further fragmented political state evolves when regional government carries most of a national economic burden. This give and take association is exemplified in Russia following Putin’s return to power combined with the Russian financial collapse during the latter portion of 2014. The political ideologies of Russia under Putin aggravated pre-existing financial instabilities within regional economies, and the sharp decline of the price of oil as well as international economic sanctions imposed on Russia that led to the collapse of t he Russian ruble. As the name Vladimir Putin echoes in every corner of the world, the leader of the world’s largest nation is known for being quite a controversial figure. Putin maintains a pseudo democracy that could be labeled as potentially more dangerous than the pure autocracy Russians suffered for decades. Even for centuries, Russia has experienced a tumultuous political climate; specifically, â€Å"Nearly two decades after the fall of communism, Russia is not a democracy. But neither is it an absolute autocracy in the mold of, say, Cuba or North Korea. That is to say, Russia pretends to be democratic†(Shevtsova). Pretending to be democratic, however, comes from years of chaos and uncertainty. With help from Western governments, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, Russia underwent the largest and fastest privatization in history in order to establish a fully nationalized Soviet economy. But, seven years after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia suffered the 1998 financial crisis, and at the time, it’s regional governments shouldered most of Russia’s economic burden. During the course of those seven years, Russia entered a deep depression, thus the 1998 financial crisis worsened an already dire situation. Boris Yeltsin weathered Russia through their economic troubles to the best of his ability, and the economy only really recovered once demand for oil rose. However, hours before the first day of the year 2000, Yeltsin announced his resignation, leaving the government in the hands of Vladimir Putin, a former KGB official and the head of the FSB. Putin’s action during both his previous and current terms in office reflect the scarily obvious link between the political climate within a country and its economic state. For Putin in his first term, he rebuilt an impoverished Russia with the help of the Russian oligarchs, or the wealthy businessmen who were former Soviet Union officials. Putin’s association with former So viet Union officials came with little to no surprise for anyone when he described the collapse of the Soviet Union as, â€Å" the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the Twentieth Century,†(BBC). His hopeful Soviet Union ideals continue to drive Russia into a divided political state, and further antagonizes existing economic troubles. Given its vast size, Russia reaps an abundant amount of natural resources, which they use for economic purposes. Similar to the 1998 financial crisis, the root of the 2014 economic struggles revolve around oil prices, the principal resource of their economy. Or in other words, â€Å"Russia gets around half of its budget revenue from taxes on oil and natural gas, and as long as the price of oil is plummeting, its economy is likely to continue sinking.†(McLaughlin). The collapse of the ruble in 2014 was not directly linked to just oil though. Russia’s economy was also deeply affected by an unbalanced pension system, inflation, and severe US and European sanctions. Other than oil, the most noteworthy cause for this period of economic instability would be the international sanctions made against Russia during the Ukrainian crisis. Addressing the Crimean crisis and the shortly followed annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, several governments and international org anizations, led by the United States and European Union, imposed sanctions on Russian individuals and businesses. On October 3, 2014, Joe Biden even commented, â€Å"We don’t want Russia to collapse. We want Russia to succeed. But Putin has to make a choice. These asymmetrical advances on another country cannot be tolerated. The international system will collapse if they are.†(Biden). Russia continues to push the boundaries of the political spectrum, despite already suffering from issues such as inflation. Inflation has a direct connection to issues such as unemployment, which in turn affects political policies. Russia’s annual inflation for 2014 was 11.4%, the highest level of inflation since 2008, and combining that very high percentage with the falling ruble, consumer prices, especially food, began to skyrocket. The various factors causing economic instabilities beginning in 2014, which can still be seen today, have had definite political effects. In 2012, Putin reclaimed presidential power, but the international community called into question the logistics of his election. Specifically, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe observed blatant fraud, â€Å"including the brazen stuffing of ballot boxes.†(Schwirtz). The legality of this election spurred protests throughout the streets of Russia with people asking for Russia without Putin, but Putin quickly squashed any opposition against him through means of violence, intimidation, and coercion. His reassertion into power laid a shaky political foundation that was aggravated by the collapse of the Russian ruble in 2014. For Russia, their primary political concern in 2014 occurred when Russia seized Crimea, exponentially affecting tensions between the East and the West, and in the latter portion of 2014, the ruble began to devalue. In 2015, Russia launches military support for their ally President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, and â€Å"oil and gas accounted for 43 percent of the government’s revenue. The World Bank predicted the poverty [in Russia] rate will reach 14.2 percent in 2016,†(Lee). Now, currently in 2017, the United States has launched an investigation into Russia’s role with the Trump administration. The correlation between the economic state of Russia and political climate within this vast state is that both sides need each other to be successful. However, a declining economic state led to a more tense political atmosphere, because the ruble was suffering due to rising U.S. interest rates as well as economic sanctions. But, the ruble drastically dropped because of a series of controversial political decisions by the Putin and other Russian leaders. Since the national government is slowly unraveling, the regional governments throughout Russia are capitalizing on their lack of assertiveness. With its immense size, the regions of Russia vastly differ. For most people, they do not see that: â€Å"the difference across Russian regions, although they may not be enormous by EU standards, are nonetheless striking: from highly urbanized to predominantly agrarian, from Mediterranean climatic conditions to extremely cold, from rich to natural resources to poor in natural resources, from gateway or commercial hub regions to regions facing high transport costs,†(Dimitros). Under the Russian constitution, the regional and local government received numerous powers such as imposing regional taxes, and they fully exercised their enumerated powers to alleviate their economic burdens. Russia currently has nine established districts which include Central, Far East, Northwest, Siberia, Southern, Urals, Volga, and Northern Caucasus. The ninth district was established in 2014 following Russia’s annexation of Crimea. In comparison to the federal government, these nine districts lack adequate tax revenue to pay their teachers, police officers, or other public officials, and they are overburdened by pensions. Although these regions face similar economic burdens: â€Å"The resource-rich areas, the financial capitals and the maritime regions would benefit from the liberalization of the economy and from free trade. These regions, relying on the export of mineral resources, on geographic location, or on financial capital, are more inclined to back the more liberal foreign trade oriented policy,†(Dimitros). As the resource-rich regions of Russia lean towards more liberal policies, the traditional industrial areas suffer from an inability to make structural adjustments. Whereas, the less industrialized regions are more likely to endorse domestic trade rather than international. The simple difference of regional economies can not be emphasized enough in Russia, because it exposes fragmented political ideologies. During their long term structural economic decline, Moscow has slowly started to crumble and in turn Putin is losing control of his country. In other words, the domestic problems that the Kremlin is facing threatens the centralized authority that Putin has worked so hard to build. Last year, â€Å"even the Russian Ministry of Economic Development admitted that [acceptable] living standards are unlikely until 2035,†(Jarmas). Thus given that the overall conditions of Russia’s federal government are declining rapidly, many regional governments are trying to maintain their minimal portions of the federal budget. The regional economies within Russia are preemptively preparing to ford their people through yet another tragic financial collapse, although they thought they would receive assistance from Putin. In 2012, for this third term Putin ran on the platform that he would increase wages in the public sector, but now in 2017, Putin is yet to make good on his promises. The f ederal budget has provided little funding for regional governments, who ultimately would be responsible for the higher wages. Putin has entrapped regional governments within a vicious cycle, where they are mandated to provide costly welfare programs by the central government which provides little to none federal funding. However, the Kremlin requires that regional governments carry most of their economic burden so they can focus on larger political conflicts. The relationship between politics and the economy highlights the effect of political ideologies on both regional and national economies. Political ideologies can alter depending on the economic state of a country, and that economic state can be drastically affected by a country’s political regime. The ramifications of Russia’s financial collapse that began in 2014 are seen today, and protest over unpaid wages continue to rise across Russia. With the 2018 World Cup around the corner for Russia, protesters have begun to link Kremlin’s megaprojects, such as a new soccer stadium, to worsening economic conditions in various regions throughout Russia. Russia has also been in numerous headlines, for their ties to the Trump administration, and their continual involvement in American politics mounts growing international concerns. Russia’s eagerness to venture into foreign affairs reflects a nation desperate for a new form of economic stability, a concept that may elude them for years to come and will continue to do so until many of the nation’s systemic issues are resolved.
IT Corporate Governance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
IT Corporate Governance - Research Paper Example The rational for the research paper is to investigate and analyze new trends in information systems application and their impact on information, effects on corporate design, structure and productivity. It is assumed that advances in technology, especially computer, information, and information technology, have presented organizations and managers with dramatic new challenges and opportunities, and researchers have been pressing to develop the theoretical and research grounding needed to understand and manage these developments. It is supposed that information technology allows a corporation greater decentralization of functions thus ensuring effective management and control. Computers, the Internet, electronic mail, and other forms of information and information technology make possible more elaborate and interactive networking of people and organizational units, both within and between organizations (Dine, 2000). Some organizations have moved away from traditional hierarchical and departmental reporting relationships to forms of virtual organization and dynamic network organization, in which a central hub coordinates other units that formally belong to the same organization, as well as organizations formally outside the hub organization (such as contractors or agencies with overlapping responsibility for public agencies), via e-mail and the Internet. Advances in IT reportedly lead to smaller organizations, decentralized organizations, better coordination internally and with external entities (Buck and Sha hrim 2006). Organizations acquire and distribute internally information to carry out the critical functions of decision-making. These activities require the processing of information. There are two perspectives on organizational information-processing: the vertical and horizontal perspectives. Vertical information-processing involves the acquisition of information from the environment and the distribution of information from boundary spanning units toorganizational members at various hierarchical levels. Horizontal information- processing involves the co-ordination of internal tasks by distributing information between organizational members within and between departments. Within the information-processing framework, information technology is one strategy in the organization's ability to process information (Danziger and Andersen 2002). An organizational design dimension, which relates the hierarchical level to the information-processing tasks at hand is the degree of centralization versus decent ralization of decision-making. Since decision-making requires the availability of unambiguous information, new information technology has the potential to shift the level of decision-making by providing access to information. This is one of the design dimensions to be investigated. Another vertical design dimension to be discussed is the hierarchy of authority. New information technology, by formalizing information-processing within organizations, is the resource that enables managers to report information. By enlarging the information options, new technology has the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Executive Summary for the development of a new product Essay
Executive Summary for the development of a new product - Essay Example The NRG-H product is expected to form part of a new low-calorie diet snack food market segment and is expected to resemble the trademark of the Fitter Snacker. This new product is likely to appeal to the tastes of many people in this new segment given that it will reduce the calorie content which is seen as a positive step towards safeguarding the health concerns of the consumers. The operations related to this new product will be basically concerned about incorporating it into SAP. The advantage of this particular stance is to leverage the new product on the popularity of the SAP given that the customer and vendor relationships depend upon this. There are likely chances of success of this product if these steps are carefully implemented. 2. After factoring in all the production costs, it is anticipated that a case of 24 bars can be profitably sold at $28.80 as the wholesale price. This distribution channel is ideal in that it has many links with the vendors as well as retail outlets. This price is reasonable given that small actors in the retail sector will also be able to buy a case for resale. It is assumed that at this wholesale price, a profit margin of about $8 is likely to be realised. The retail price of a bar of this new product is pegged at $1.50. This price has been suggested after considering that this is still a new product hence it has to be priced slightly lower than similar products already existing in the market. The other justification for this price is that when penetrating a market, there is need to fairly price the product such that it can appeal to the interests of many potential customers. Some consumers can just buy it as trial but once satisfied, they are likely to refer other consumers to this particular offering. In some instances, the customers tend to discover new products in retail shops hence this is an ideal channel of distribution of this particular product. The wholesale and retail prices are justifiable given
Saturday, July 27, 2019
How to Adapt to Change in the Workplace Research Paper
How to Adapt to Change in the Workplace - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that change comes about with a lot of denial on the part of the employees who are simply not ready to accept it within their stride. They believe that change shall mean a great amount of negativity for their work processes, and that they would have to undergo stress and tension at the hands of the employers who want to persist with change. They are of the view that change shall bring in a great amount of work pressure for them, which would eventually mean that they would have to exponentially increase their work yet would be given the same amount of money for what they do best within the workplace regimes. These are some of the negative aspects which are related with the denial phase when change becomes an apparent entity in the workplace. The employees opine that they would have to be looked after by their own selves and that their work manifestations would not be taken care of by the people who should have mattered the most. The denial phas e is all the more important to understand because the employees reject the idea of changing their work routines and course, and that they start believing in the fact that if they change, it would mean that there is less job security for their own selves, and that they would have to face more pressurizing times in the future. Anger is another stage within the aegis of change which shall be regarded as a very violent and aggressive one. It is one step ahead of how denial is portrayed by the employees within the workplace settings. Anger is actually the basis of some employees showing their resentment through written resignations whereby they tend to give up the idea of working any further while others believe that they would stick on and see whether they could work along the lines of the organization’s new procedures and codes. The changing attitudes are visible through their expressions, their work performance levels, and so on and so forth. This is also apparent through their comprehension of tasks and how well they want to complete their tasks in order to satisfy the needs of the organization that they basically work for. Anger makes the employees look very different in their demeanor. They start to see things very distinctively and essentially exert their influence in more ways than one. Anger is something that shall make the best of the employees stand up and make their point get across, which is not good for the basis of the organization in essence. Dejection is the third stage of change which means that since the organization has understood that change has to happen over time, it will make the employees (the ones who are against the idea of change) shall face dejected and let down by the attitude of the organization. They would believe that change will not be a good form of communication that has happened between the organization and its employees and that there must have been a different perspective which could be adopted for the betterment of all and sundry. This is an important element of change and shall be understood within the relevant domains nonetheless. Dejection is something that shall make the people feel very frustrated as they would believe that the organization does not pay respect to what they think and basically does things which are unbecoming of their stature and the manner in which their respective work domains got done in the past or even in the coming times.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Math Problem Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Math Problem - Speech or Presentation Example According to the rejection rule, if the value of Z calculated by the test statistic lies in critical area, then we reject the null hypothesis in favour of alternative hypothesis. On the other hand, if the value of test statistic does not fall in critical area then null hypothesis is accepted and alternative hypothesis is rejected. The given test is a left tailed test. The significance value given in the question is 0.05, so the z-score corresponds to 0.05 is -1.645. The critical area for the given testing is the area less than -1.645 or the area left to the -1.645. In the particular z-test, the value of test statistic -1.56 is greater than -1.645, that is why it does not lie in rejection region, so null hypothesis is accepted and alternative hypothesis is rejected. The above test shows that the population mean price for used Motor Bikes at the dealership is $A 20,000. The statistical assessment shows that the sample of 100 used cars has actually helped the manager of the company to determine the actual mean price of used cars in the market. This statistical data analysis can be used in future to determine the potential prices of the cars. In future the manager can use historical pricing data to price the products and it will be recognised as historical based pricing methodology. For example, in future if the manager of Brisbane Motor Bike wants to determine the potential price of its specific model motor bike, he can collect the sample of same model motor bikes from the market and he can determine the potential price for the bike. The price data can be collected from the market. In this way, the manager will not only be able to price his products rightly but he will be also able to keep his prices market competitive, thereby, attracting
Thursday, July 25, 2019
National incident based reporting system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
National incident based reporting system - Essay Example This paper identifies the current challenges of crime reporting as the lack of harmonization on the usage of crime reporting programs used in various states in U.S. It is important to note that some cities have failed to incorporate NIBRS into their crime prevention and detection system. It also addresses the technological opportunity presented by NIBRS in crime reporting technology and its advantages over the UCR. The paper makes some basic recommendation for effective crime reporting system. First, it recommend the need to involve the community and ordinary citizens in the system since they are the one affected by crime and it might be more effective if they know exactly the significance of correctly reporting a crime incident. Secondly, it calls for the crime reporting system to be more alert so as to adapt to the changing society so as to capture immerging new forms of crimes in our society. A crime is an act that violates a political or moral rule. Presently, an act that was considered a crime some years back might no longer be a crime in today's society. It is also true that what a certain community considers to be an antisocial act might mean nothing to another community. Statistical crime rate will directly be affected as culture and political environment changes. This in turn determines the allocation of resources for the enforcement of such laws and also influences public opinion. Public perception of a crime is affected if there are changes in the way the crime data are collected. (Hart, 1961) Law enforcing agencies before used to employ awkward way of crime reporting to know whether crime is increasing or not such as counting the number of people in the people and this made crime data analysis very difficult. Until early 18th century, the data collection on crime incidences was insignificant. (Blythe, 1992) The governments of all nations all over the world have been looking forward to minimizing the occurrence of crime in the society. The incidences of crimes are usually identified by location, gender, nature and race by these crime reporting programs. This has really helped the government in allocating resources by allocating more resources in the areas more prone to crimes to reduce them. The crime incidences reporting have helped the Federal state to plan and redirect resources in fighting crimes since the UCR began its operations according to the data collected by USA government. According to the FBI (2006), there is an overall reduction in crime incidences ranging from violent to simple assaults for the past ten years. Statement of the problem Many crimes that happen every day goes unreported in the UCR crime reporting program. NIBRS in the other hand, as an improvement of UCR, has its own limitations. One, there is no enough resources needed to capture all the crime incidences. This in turn has lead to its failure in giving a proper picture of crime to the law enforcement agencies for it to strategies effective ways of fighting crimes. This has been contributed by failure of some cities to introduce the NIBRS in their systems and lack of harmonization in crime prevention system strategies and partnership between cities. This paper is an effort to address
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Operations Management - Aggregate Planning Assignment
Operations Management - Aggregate Planning - Assignment Example Disaggregation refers to the process of breaking down the contents of the aggregate plan into particular product requirements to determine the inventory requirements, labor requirement, and materials (Reid, 2002). The inputs of the master schedule are forecast demand; inventory costs, production costs, inventory levels, lot size, customer orders, capacity, supply, and production lead time. On the other hand, the outputs of the master schedule are projected available balance, staffing levels, amounts to be produced and quantity available that is promised (Reid, 2002). 2 MRP, which is the acronym for Materials Requirements Planning is regarded as an inventory control and production planning system that is mainly used to manage the manufacturing processes. It acts as a bridge between both production and master planning. The MRP inputs are a single or a multi-level bill of materials as well as the quantity of all the final products to be produced, which are derived from the sales orders or the sales projections. The outputs for MRP are the recommended production schedule and the recommended purchasing schedule (Reid, 2002). The MRP process is quite extensive and it passes through a number of stages in order to manage the manufacturing processes via the inventory control and production planning system. Starting with the end items, the first step is to establish all the gross requirements needed. Secondly, the net requirements are determined by subtracting both the receipts as well as the projected hand inventory from gross requirements. The third step is to time phase all the net requirements. Finally, the last step is to determine the order releases that are planned (Reid, 2002). Below is an example of a table illustrating the MRP process 3 The main goals of JIT are to have a balance rapid flow. The supporting goals are to make the system to be flexible, to eliminate waste particularly the excess inventory and to eliminate disruptions.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Influence of the Relationship between Politics and Religion in Western Research Paper
Influence of the Relationship between Politics and Religion in Western Civilization Conflicts - Research Paper Example Muslims believe in the holy war and observe the pilgrimage to Mecca which Christians neither believe in nor practice. During the Medieval period, both Christianity and Islam promulgated their religious beliefs and practices in territories where the majority existed. Christianity employed the use of missionaries whereas Islam employed offensive practices such as conquests, political rule and returning crusaders in spreading their faith (Spielvogel 238-243). 3. The expansion of trade The expansion of trade during the High Middle Ages resulted from developments in voyages of exploration by Vikings, growth of states, contacts with the Muslim world and the arrival of the Portuguese. Vikings exchanged goods as they sailed along trade centers in search of profit. The existence of various environmental zones and agricultural practices influenced trade to flourish. These resulted to the evolution of settlement as well as prosperity that in turn contributed to urbanization and the growth of st ates. In addition, contacts with Muslim merchants in the Trans Saharan trade involved the trade in kola nuts, gold, ivory, and slaves. The arrival of the Portuguese opened an outlet for West African manufactured products such as cloths. The utilization of Arab script and Muslim officials in complex bureaucracies remained as the impact of the expansion of trade on medieval society (Spielvogel 252-254). 5. The decline of papacy The papacy of the Roman Catholic Church had reached the peak of its power with the doctrine of temporal universal authority over secular rulers and fullness of power. However, the claims of temporal supremacy kept losing ground due to the growth of European secular monarchs. This created conflicts between papacy and the territorial states it never conquered.
Middle Childhood and Adolescence Paper Essay Example for Free
Middle Childhood and Adolescence Paper Essay The change that occurs from middle childhood to adolescence is arguably one of the most profound changes that children go through. Not only do children change physically but emotionally. â€Å"Adolescence is the transitional period between late childhood and the beginning of adulthood, and marks the beginning of the reproductive lifespan in humans. Adolescence involves sexual maturity in terms of hormones and physical development of the body, and is also characterized by an increase in the complexity of group interactions and thus social behavior (Lerner and Steinberg, 2004)†. During this time of transition many develop a stronger sense of self and begin to separate from completely associated themselves with their family members. This is a completely normal stage of transition for children turning into adolescents and becoming a vital part of a larger community. Family Dynamics There are many ways a child’s upbringing can affect how they mature into adults. A primary aspect taken into consideration is the family dynamic in which a child is raised. In many cases a child with a family that is well structured, has sound moral characteristics, and provides a stable environment is more likely to be a successful member of society. Whereas a child who has a family that is dysfunctional is less likely to be in a healthy environment emotionally or physically. For example, â€Å"Recent research has suggested that the family plays an important role in depressive disorders (Keitner Miller, 1990; Keitner, Miller, Epstein, Bishop, 1990). More specifically, research has demonstrated that families of depressed patients manifest significant impairments in family functioning during the patient’s acute episode relative to control families (Crowther, 1985; Dobson, 1987; Keitner, Miller, Epstein, Bishop, 1986) with 50%–75% of families of depressed patients manifesting significant family dysfunction.†(Miller, I. W., Keitner, G. I., Whisman, M. A., Ryan, C. E., Epstein, N. B., Bishop, D. S. ,1992). A dysfunctional family can become a catalyst for many undesirable emotional attributes and or physical reactions that can occur after being subjected to higher levels of dysfunction. For example if a child is verbally abused by a parent they may exhibit such behaviors towards their peers to gain some form of control in their life. Peer Influences: From Middle Childhood to Adolescence Peers from middle childhood onto adolescence make a substantial change with age. Many children at a young age learn how to socialize with other children and generally behave well with the collective group. As children grow in age and their hormones develop, they become more aware of their surrounding social group. This can have both negative and positive impacts on development. â€Å"The poor peer relations of aggressive children could make them isolated psychologically or physically from peers, which in turn might result in depressive or disruptive problems.†(Yamasaki, K., Nishida, N. 2009). Whereas in a healthy peer relation environment a child will be more likely to excel socially and develop a strong sense of individuality amongst those around them. Pressures faced in Adolescence vs. Middle Childhood. During the change from middle childhood to adolescence, children are begin to develop their own identity. They are physically going through major changes. Where sexual differences before adolescence usually played a dividing factor when it comes to social interactions, chemical changes that happen to most adolescent boys or girls bring about a change in interest. Often children begin to think more abstractly during this change instead of just asking why they think of the multiple possibilities. Children going through adolescence are going through body image struggles, boys feel pressured to have to meet â€Å"masculine†standards, whereas girls go through major changes in body image and can feel vulnerable. â€Å"With puberty, normal increases in girls body, fat can impact body image and self-concept negatively for many. Both boys and girls might be concerned with skin problems, height, weight, and overall appearance.†(Oregon State University, 2001). Almost all children face this significant change through puberty, which brings on emotional changes as well. It is important to encourage an understanding of healthy body image to boost confidence. Changes in Moral Values from Middle Childhood to Adolescence During the change from middle childhood to adolescence moral values begin to advance beyond just the understanding of what is right or wrong determined by peers. During middle childhood children think more along the lines of what is fair, and rely on more of a give and take dynamic. With a transition to adolescence children begin to take into account others feelings and their perspective. Also when a child becomes older they come to see â€Å"the bigger picture†, and become influenced by society’s moral standards. â€Å"Increasing ability to take perspective of others into account with own perspective. (Children) Begins to question social conventions and re-examine own values and moral/ethical principles, sometimes resulting in conflicts with parents.†(Oregon State University, 2001). The mind begins to open to understanding different scenarios. This is when most children begin to question their peers and even formulate their own opinions, sometimes that involves changing from having the same ideals as their parents. Conclusion There are many changes that happen during the change from middle childhood to adolescence. Physical changes include changes in bodily image, many children enter into puberty at this time. When children become adolescents they become more involved with their self-image and individuality. Emotional changes begin to happen at this age as well, some attribute it to hormone changes, however cognitive growth also has a lot to do with the change. During this time of change it is important for families to provide helpful guidance without over stepping personal boundaries of young budding adults. Being a supportive family will increase a child’s ability to transition well and become a successful, well-rounded member of society. References Choudhury, S., Blakemore, S., Charman, T. (2006, December). Social cognitive development during adolescence. Retrieved from Miller, I. W., Keitner, G. I., Whisman, M. A., Ryan, C. E., Epstein, N. B., Bishop, D. S. (1992). Depressed patients with dysfunctional families: Description and course of illness. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 101(4), 637-646. doi: Nickerson, A. B., Nagle, R. J. (2004). The influence of parent and peer attachments on life satisfaction in middle childhood and early adolescence. Social Indicators Research, 66(1-2), 35-60. doi: Oregon State University. (2001, January). Middle Childhood and Adolescent Development [Chart]. Retrieved from Yamasaki, K., Nishida, N. (2009). The relationship between three types of aggression and peer relations in elementary school children. International Journal of Psychology, 44(3), 179-186. doi:
Monday, July 22, 2019
Microsoft Excel Essay Example for Free
Microsoft Excel Essay F(x) = x2/36, for 0 thru 6, this is the distribution function that can be further simplified r1 = x2/36, to simplify set the equation equal to r1 x = 6 * SQRT (r1), final equation. Lost Revenue Jet Copies demonstrates a uniform probability distribution as it pertains to the number of copies sold per day. The average sale is between 2,000 through 8,000 copies a day, at $0. 10 a copy. This number is denoted on the excel spreadsheet as r3 by generating a random number between 2,000 and 8,000. To calculate the total amount of business lost on any given day, the following calculations utilized: Lost Revenue = repair time * r3 * 0. 10 The total amount of lost revenue is $20,166. 30. This number is not totally accurate, but is an approximation of lost. The amount will always change significantly because r1, r2, and r3 are numbers generated randomly. To get a close approximation the breakdown will have to consist of 365 to account for the total days in the year. Also, the lost revenue could be determined another way. Too calculate this amount, multiple the repair days and the estimated number of loss customers, multiplied by the number of copies that could have been produced, not exceeding 365 days. It will benefit Jet Copies to purchase a new copier. Their lost revenue exceeds the cost of purchasing a new copier by $12,166. 30. Jet Copies could afford to purchase two new copiers at the loss Jet â€Å"Copies will experience. The answer illustrated in the excel spreadsheet I am very confident with. Regardless of how many times I run the simulation, the numbers will never be the same because they are random. There are many limits to the study. First, the time up to a year will not always be accurate. Also, if you change one number, the whole spreadsheet numbers change. But of most importance, the simulation needs to be generated several times to come as close to accurate as possible, concerning revenue loss. Jet Copies simulation results are located in the Excel document uploaded to assignment 1. Reference Taylor, B. M. (2010). Introduction to Management Science (10th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Accessibility of Centres to the Road Networks: Lagos Island
Accessibility of Centres to the Road Networks: Lagos Island THE ACCESSIBILITY OF CENTRES TO THE ROAD NETWORKS: THE CASE OF LAGOS ISLAND, NIGERIA Mr. A. O. Atubi Prof. P.C Onokala Abstract Proper co-ordination of transport and public facilities provision is vital to any balanced regional development strategy. The central aim of this study therefore was to study the relationship between access to the transport networks and the provision of central facilities in Lagos Island. The results of the analysis of connectivity indices reveal the development of an increasing complex network, although the road network for 1997 remained the same as that of 1986. Using simple regression analysis, it was found that no strong relationship between road, accessibility and occurrence of facilities could be established. Rather population of centres was found to be more significant factor in the distribution of public facilities. Thus, recommendations capable of enhancing equitable transport development include; constructing new roads that will increase accessibility, save time and reduce cost to other centres and relocating some facilities too. Introduction In an urban area, there is a complex mix of land uses and all the major broad groupings of person movements (i.e.) journey to work, official trips, education trips by school children/students, shopping trips, journey made to get home, an miscellaneous journeys) in urban areas are made between them. Thus, while trip are made for a variety of purposes, they are made to and from various land use Onokala. (1995). Oyelegbin (1996), observed that traffic jams keep Lagos motorist on the roads for hours and that many motorists are blaming frequent traffic Jams of numerous deep pot-holes, blocked drainages and poor road network system. While the number of vehicles were increasing the road network infrastructure are not bet increased proportionately and even the existing ones degenerate in quality at increasing rate. The Lagos Island Local Government Area is the single most important local government in Lagos State due to the fact that most government establishments: private parastatals and public buildings are located here. It is essential to appreciate that the purpose of transport is to provide accessibility, or the ability to make a journey for a specific purpose. Transport is not timed for its own sake, but is merely a means to an end. The construction of transport infrastructure influences transport costs by is of a reduction of distances and/or a higher average speed. This will lead to changes in the choice of transport mode, route choice, time of departure (in the case ingested networks) and the generation or attraction of new movements per zone (Bruinsma, et al 1994). For example, within several European countries both the private sectors, as represented by mobile shops, and the public sector for example mobile library, have for many years provided services on-wheels for rural communities. Existing services could in future he coordinated to ensure that each community in turn became the focus of several of these services, so that the hinterland population need make only one journey into the centre to take advantage range of facilities (Brian and Rodney. 1995). Thus, in the U.S.A. accessibility studies in the late 1970’s and 1980’s centres on access to public facilities especially as observed by Lineberry (1977). Mladcnka 78), Mclafferty and Gosh (1982). In Nigeria several studies on accessibility tend to be related to urban centres or urban based activities. However, Onokerhoraye (1976) and Okafor (1982) sought to identify the major factors that influence distribution of post primary schools in Ilorin and lbadan respectively. They attributed the larger catchment areas to urban schools to travel distance to school and to population of urban centres. [Bardi (1982) also investigated the relationship between growth of road network and accessibility of urban centres in Bendel State, while Abumere (1982) tried to establish the nodal structure of Bendel State towns m the foregoing discussions of past studies in Nigeria we observed that the emphasis tends to be either on urban centres (Onokerhorave. 1976), postal services (Oherein, 1 985), banking (Soyode et al. 1975), bus transport services (Ali, 1997) and access to facilities in relation to road network (Atubi, 1998). There is however a need to take a total vie of transport in terms of the various activities for which the users demand mobility (Jansen, 1978). Methodology This research focused primarily on the study of road transport network system in Lagos Island Local Government Area especially as it relates to accessibility of centres Thus, structural characteristics and accessibility of major centres to the road network was considered at three points in time i.e. (1976, 1986 and 1997 periods). In developing the research design, areas that are accessible to the road network and with population of 1,000 and above at each period were taken as activity centres. Population of 1.000 was chosen as cut-off point to enable a substantial number of centres, especially those at the end of routes to appear as nodes especially as the network grows. The choice of nodes was therefore based on population size. Data Analysis and Discussions of Results In order to classify the major centres, data on six areas of central facility provision were collected namely: Medical, educational, market, postal services, banking and administrative headquarters. Data on these chosen facilities were collected both from published sources and through field survey. A list of registered health facilities in the study area by 1997 compiled by the Lagos State Ministry of Health, Alausa. Ikeja: list of primary schools in Lagos Island Local Government Area from the Lagos Island Local Education District Department, and monthly returns of postal facilities from post and Telecommunications (NIPOST) Marina, Lagos were used as the base data to collect the number of these facilities. More comparative data on the number and location of the services are collected from the General Post Office (G.P.O.) Marina. Lagos. The data on the distribution of banks in Lagos Island Local Government Area were collected from Central Bank of Nigeria, Lagos, while data on the distribution of markets were collected from the Department of marketing Lagos Island Local Government Secretariat. City Hall, Lagos. The accessibility of centres to the road network in Lagos Island Government Area was analyzed using the graph theory approach. It is used to handle properties to transportation networks in order to bring out their characteristics and structures. Other major techniques of analysis used include the homogenization of data etc. By 1976, we had 22 out of the 30 major centres directly connected by all season roads. Each direct connection forms a link. As an illustration by 1976, one could only move from race course to Cable Street (Net) before moving to C.M.S. (Old Marina). In this case we have 2 links along Race Course C.M.S. (Old Marina) road. In sum, 23 links or edges were identified by 1976 which connected 22 nodes. By 1986, the network became more complex as more nodes are connected through different routes. However, the same principles are applied. It has been observed that by 1986 the 30 nodes had become connected by 39 links. That means 7 extra centres had entered into the network systems. These are Leventis. C.M.S. New Marina), Force Road. Awolowo Road, Ilubirin, Ebute-Elefun and Anokantamo. By 1997, the network remained the same as that of 1986 but the major difference was the construction of Third Main Land Bridge that links Lagos inland Local Government Area to Lagos Island Local Government Area. This was that since 1986, no major work has been done on the road network in Lagos and Local Government Area, hence the road network remained the same. Although, the indices of connectivity indicate increasing complexity of network between 1976 and 1997, the indices of nodal accessibility, which explain the accessibility of one node to all others in the network, indicate the changing fortunes some centres. It is interesting to note that in terms of overall road distance, the most accessible centres in 1976 were Tinubu, Martins and Balogun, while the least accessible were Race Course. Epetedo and C.M.S. (Old Marina). By 1986, we observed that Odularni had become the most accessible centre, while Tinubu and Nnamdi Azikiwe had become the second and Third most accessible centres in the network. Again, it was noted that Epetedo (Okepopo Marina), Ebute-Elefun, Anokantamo and ldumagbo remained the least accessible centres. Other new centres connected to the network at this state include C.M.S. Maria road), Force Road, Awolowo Road, Ebute-Eletun, Anokantamo and Idumagho. Their entry into the network has the effect of increasing the accessibility for all the nodes. However, by 1997 it was observed that odulami remained the most accessible centre which corresponds with the nodal accessibility by 1986, while Tinubu and Nnamdi Azikiwe remained the second and third most accessible centres in the network which also corresponds with the nodal accessibility by 1986. Again, it was observed that Eptedo (Okepopo Marina), Ebute_Eleflm, Anokautamo and ldumagbo remain the least accessible centres. Also he Tinubu-Nnam di Azikiwe-Odulami-Bamgbose axis seems to have been enjoying high level of accessibility throughout the period. The more nodes are connected the greater the accessibility value for individual nodes. However, the entire network accessibility expands with increasing number of nodes brought into the network. Another observation is that there are some nodes (Awolowo Road, Ilubirin. Force Road, and C.M.S. (New marina Road) that were not connected in earlier times but they acquired quite high accessibility as soon as they were connected. It is observed further that there are some nodes, which declined in accessibility as more links were added. Thus Tinubu, Odulami. Olowogbowo, Balogun and Broad Street among others, declined in accessibility. The construction of Leventis C.M.S. (New Marina Road) meant that a shorter route to cable street (net) from Force Road than through Tinuhu had been created. Other routes constructed prior to 1997, which reduced the position of Tinuhu, include martins Street-ldumota, C.M.S. (Old marina-Odulami and Okepopo. In this analysis. the researchers used the simple regression. A possible relationship between accessibility and human activities has been suggested by Lachene (1965) and Chapman (1979) among others, while Keeble et al (1982) actually established a relationship between accessibility and economic activities among the countries of the E.E.C. within the country. Atuhi (1998) has in Lagos State suggested some relationship between accessibility and public facility index, while Ali (1997) suggested some relationship between accessibility and bus transport services in Enugu. For public facilities however, whose essential quality of their location is that they be as accessible to their users as possible one should expect to find a strong relationship between the two. Policy Implications The strategy of constructing new links to improve accessibility may involve heavier financial investment. Thus, a proper cost-benefit analysis is needed to determine the desirability of such investment. Still another strategy would he to provide those services which centres lack based on extensive surveys of what are available and what are needed. This centre based approach might prove more useful if the people are guided to choose out of their preference. Conclusion It is pertinent to note that the social benefit of constructing a road that increases accessibility saves time and reduces cost goes beyond the financial evaluation. This is because it touches on human value. References Abumere. SI, (1982) The nodal structure of Bendel State Nigeria Geographical Journal, vol. 25. Pp. 173-I 87. Ali, A.N. (1907) The Accessibility of major centres to the Transport Services in Enugu State, Nigeria. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Nigeria. Nsukka. Atubi, A. 0. (1998) The Accessibility of Centres to the Road Network in Lagos Island Local Government Area Lagos State, Nigeria. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Nigeria. Nsukka. Bardi, E.C. (1982) Development of road network and Accessibility of Urban centres within bendel State Nigeria 1967-1981: A Graph theory approach, Unpublished B.Sc. original Essay, Department of Geography, University of Nigeria. Nsukka. Brain, T. and Rodney. T. (1995) Rural Transport problems, policies and plans. Transport Systems, Policy and Planning: A Geographical Approach. Longman House, Burnt Mill. Hariow England, Pp. 231-260. Bruinsma. F.R. and Rietveld. P. (1994) Borders as harriers in the European road Network. A case study of the accessibility of Urban agglomerations in Nijkamp P. (Ed) New Borders and Old Barriers in Spatial Development, Pp. 139-52. Aveburv, Aldershot. Chapman. K. (1 979 People, Patien, and process an introduction to human Geography. Edward Arnold. London. Daly, MT. (1975) Measuring accessibility in a rural context. In white, P.R. (ed). Rural Transport Seminar, Transport Studies Group, Polytechnic of Central London, London Hoyle. B.S. and Knowles, R.D. (1992) Rural Areas: The Accessibility problem in modern Transport Geography. Longman House, Burnt in ill, Harlow England, Pp. 125-137. Ingram, D.R. (1971) The concept of accessibility: a Search for operational firm. Regional Studies, Vol. 5, Pp. 101-107 Jansen, H.O. (1978) The interaction between public transportation and other social activities: A System approach Transportation Research, Vol. 12 (2), Pp. 83- 89 Keeble, D. Owen. P.C. and Thomas. C. (1982) Regional Accessibility and Economic potential in the European Community Regional Studies, Vol. 10 (c). Pp. 4 9-432. Lachene. R. (1965) Networks and the locations of economic activities. Regional Science Association papers. Vol. XIV (24), Pp. 183-196. Lineberry, R. (1977) Equality and Urban Policy, Saga. Beverley Hills Mclafferty. S. and Gosh. A. (1982) Issues in measuring differential access to public Services. Urban Studies. Vol. 19, Pp. 383-389 Mitchell, C.C.B. and Town, SW. (1976) Accessibility of various social groups to different activities Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorness Berkshire. Mladenka, K. (1978) Organization rules, service equality and distributional decision in urban polities Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 89 (1). Pp. 192-201 Morril, B.L (1970) Spatial organization of Society. Duxbury Press, Belmont, California. Oherein, D.N. (1985) Accessibility to public facilities, a case study of postal service units in Owan Local Government Area, (Bendel State): Unpublished B.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Okafor, A.N. (1982) Service area of public facility in Ibadan Onokerhoraye, A.G. (1976) A conceptual framework for the location of public facilities in the urban areas of developing countries: The Nigerian Case. Socio-economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 10, Pp. 237-276. Onokala, P.C. (1995) The effect of landuse on road traffic accidents in Benin City, Nigeria. Journal of Transport Studies; Vol. 1, No. Pp. 34-44. Oyelegbin, R. (1996) Jams keep Lagos motorists on the road for hours. The Guardian, February 15, P. 9. Rich, R. (1979) Neglected issues in the study of urban services distribution: A research agenda Urban studies. Vol. 16, Pp. 121-136. Soyade, A. and Oyejide, T.A. (1975) Branch network and economic performance: A case study of Nigeria’s commercial banks. Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, Pp. 119-131.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
america the beautiful or the ugly :: essays research papers
Frederick Douglass (1817-1895) was the best known and most influential African American leader of the 1800s. He was born a slave in Maryland but managed to escape to the North in 1838. He traveled to Massachusetts and settled in New Bedford, working as a laborer to support himself. In 1841, he attended a convention of the Massachusetts Antislavery Society and quickly came to the attention of its members, eventually becoming a leading figure in the New England antislavery movement. In 1845, Douglass published his autobiography, "The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: an American Slave." With the revelation that he was an escaped slave, Douglass became fearful of possible re-enslavement and fled to Great Britain and stayed there for two years, giving lectures in support of the antislavery movement in America. With the assistance of English Quakers, Douglass raised enough money to buy his own his freedom and in 1847 he returned to America as a free man. He settled in Rochester, New York, where he published The North Star, an abolitionist newspaper. He directed the local underground railroad which smuggled escaped slaves into Canada and also worked to end racial segregation in Rochester's public schools. In 1852, the leading citizens of Rochester asked Douglass to give a speech as part of their Fourth of July celebrations. Douglass accepted their invitation. In his speech, however, Douglass delivered a scathing attack on the hypocrisy of a nation celebrating freedom and independence with speeches, parades and platitudes, while, within its borders, nearly four million humans were being kept as slaves. Fellow citizens, pardon me, and allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here today? What have I or those I represent to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? And am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits, and express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your independence to us? Would to God, both for your sakes and ours, that an affirmative answer could be truthfully returned to these questions. Then would my task be light, and my burden easy and delightful. For who is there so cold that a nation's sympathy could not warm him? Who so obdurate and dead to the claims of gratitude, that would not thankfully acknowledge such priceless benefits?
black holocaust :: essays research papers
â€Å"Black Holocaust for Beginners ‘Death Ships’†By Anderson S. Black Holocaust for Beginners â€Å"Death Ships†, is a realistic, and trapping article about the slave trade. Instead of the former stories on slavery and giving it a general description telling reader how slavery is bad and slavery is immoral, this article goes in and describes what it was like in a slave ship. It made the reader feel the pain of the middle passage in every page. There are three things in the article that is very compelling to me as a reader, the living conditions of the slaves in the ships, the rape the women faced, and the punishment styles the rebellious slaves had to endure. What they endured was almost like hell on earth, it was almost genocide, but without the intention of genocide. The living conditions were horrible, according to the article Black Holocaust for Beginngers â€Å"Death Ships†, â€Å"You see the vomit above you and alongside you and you come close to passing out. You can barely breathe. You are trapped. You can’t move a leg or arm without increasing someone else’s misery. The chains rattle as we try to shift out bodies to get away from the running yellow brown stream and odor from next to us, from above us. The flies and mosquitoes begin to swarm around you. But you can’t swipe at them without yanking your chained brethren or sisteren.†Such condition sound like how a pig lives, only the slaves did not want to live like that. The writer wrote it as if the reader was in it, I thought I was a slave. The rape of the female slaves, was described by the writer as an almost normal occurrence in the ship as the article Black Holocaust For Beginners â€Å"Death Ships†states â€Å"†¦we hear African screams and white men’s laughter. To the women, to the girl, we KNOW. Many of us have been in the Enemy’s presence now for four to six months and we know that rape is always a grab away†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Later in the article it put the reader in as the rape victim who, get raped by the first mate. The rape described in the article was more violent than the rape we now know.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Faith Healing: How Many More Children Will Die ? :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Faith Healing: How Many More Children Will Die ? June 18, 1997-- â€Å"Only six more days until my birthday! Wow! I can’t believe I’m going to be seventeen finally! Even though I’m excited, I wish I could start feeling better. I’m not really too sick, but I still am a little scared. In my heart, I wish I could go see a doctor, but I know that I could never tell my mom and dad that. Even if they heard me say it, they still wouldn’t listen to me, no matter how sick I was. I know I’m supposed to have faith that God will heal me, but right now I’m so afraid. I can’t die now. There is too much stuff I still want to do; I have so many hopes and dreams for my future...†Shannon Nixon never lived to see her 17th birthday. On June 21, 1997, only three days before her birthday, Shannon went into a diabetic coma and died shortly after. In all her life, she had never been to a hospital, seen the inside of an ambulance or even visited her local doctor’s office. Even at birth, she was delivered without the aid of a doctor or nurse. Shannon’s parents refused to seek medical help for her or any of their other nine children. Her parents are members of the Faith Tabernacle Church, where all the members solely believe in the power of faith healing (Dowell). Faith healing is defined by Webster as a method of treating diseases by prayer and exercise of faith in God. The members of the Faith Tabernacle church, as well as many other groups in the United States including the Christian Scientists and the Followers of Christ, believe that the right and power to heal is solely God’s. â€Å"Like many fellow Pentecostals, the Followers believe the Bible prescribes prayer and the laying on of hands to cure physical ills. Unlike most, however, Followers reportedly refuse medical treatment-- for themselves or for their children†(Biema). The Followers believe that any medicine or doctoral attention is putting faith in people instead of God. Whether it’s something as minor as a mere finger cut, or as dangerously deadly as diabetes or leukemia, the family refuses to seek medical contact or attention. This belief has been around since Biblical times. James 5:14 says, â€Å"Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the c hurch to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord (NIV).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Lessons in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Essay
Pride and Prejudice is one of the most popular novels written by Jane Austen which was first published in 1813. It is more than a story of love which revolves around the lives of the Bennett family and the wealthy male visitors of Hertfordshire. Its wide variety of personalities in the story contributed to the novel’s attractive and compelling features; which provides several realizations to its readers and their view of social class, marriage and women status in the 19th century which can be attributed to each character’s personality. The Women and Men of the 19th Century The theme towards courtship and marriage is already explicitly stated in the first sentence of the novel. â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledge that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife†(p. 3). In this initial sentence, Austen prepares the readers on what to expect. There is a big probability that the story will revolve in a fascinating chase: either a husband in search of a wife or a woman in pursuit of a husband. Marriage during 18th century was different compared to how marriage is viewed nowadays. It was a challenging and debatable social issue since marriage with love was not a necessity. At that time, marriage consisted of rules and standards that often ignore emotions or feelings. Moreover, community and family were major participants in establishing marriage. From that first sentence, considering the time the novel was created, the readers would expect a witty tone towards marriage and society The novel also portrayed several characters that are stereotypical in the 19th century. The diverse personalities of each character reveals how the era was like for the author and how the status of people were determined through their wealth, fame and gender. Apparently, the primary lesson that this novel has for its readers is the fact that in the past love was not a necessary element of marriage. Women were usually seen as mere wives for men. Nonetheless, in Austen’s story, she made use of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy’s conflicting characters to refuse the kind of stereotypical 19th century setting that the novel was set in. The two major characters, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, were clearly different kinds of people who later proved themselves to be the ideal match for each other. Clearly, the transformation of Elizabeth and Darcy’s characters were made possible by their own pride and prejudices against each other. This fact, therefore, illustrates the idea that the character transformation would most likely not occur without the shortcomings and hasty judgments of the two main characters of the Jane Austen’s famous novel. It was quite ironic though that the novel also conveys the idea that people do fall in love under the most unexpected circumstances. There is a short line expressed by the female protagonist Elizabeth Bennett which can be considered somewhat explanatory of the whole novel. â€Å"Booksâ€â€oh! No. I am sure we never read the same, or not with the same feelings†(p. 82). This is Elizabeth Bennett’s response to Fitzwilliam Darcy when he asked her about her thoughts on books. They were dancing on the ball of the Netherland Estate and trying to create a conversation. Based on Elizabeth’s response and her quick dismissals of the topic that Mr. Darcy brought up, her great dislike towards the wealthy young man was evident. This particular line of Elizabeth Bennett is considered an important line for the novel because it insinuates a symbolic image rather than a literal meaning for the main characters in the story. Her remark about how the topic of books would not be able to create a productive conversation because they probably would have not read the same book or have the same feeling towards it depicts that their personalitiesâ€â€similar or notâ€â€can still generate different interpretations. Even the title of the book itself can be considered characteristics that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy both possess, which caused them to make erratic conclusions about each others’ personality. The above statement from Elizabeth depicts that the novel primarily focuses on the theme of misunderstandings, false impressions, and lapses in judgment. Thoroughly reviewing the whole context of the story, the diverse personalities of the characters are what made it possible to provide the picture of the lifestyle of English people in the 19th century. Each character is provided a characteristic that is distinct to other characters. Elizabeth Bennett, an interesting character indeed, possesses traits which are very much different from her sisters. Here is one of her statements to Darcy included in Chapter 19 where she rejects him the first time he proposed to marry her and considered to be one of the pivotal turns in the story which caused the change in both Elizabeth and Darcy’s character: I have no pretension whatever to that kind of elegance which consists in tormenting a respectable man. . . I thank you again and again for the honor you have done me in your proposals, but to accept them is absolutely impossible. . . Do not consider me now as an elegant female, intending to plague you, but as a rational creature, speaking the truth from her heart (p. 97). Elizabeth Bennett’s character speaks much of a strong personality which is extremely opinionated and bold. Unlike her younger sisters, she does not allow social status and wealth to interfere with her standards for love. However, in her statement, prejudices toward Darcy are evident for she has already judged him without knowing him well first. However, at the end of the story, she regrets having misjudged the man upon knowing the real Fitzwilliam Darcy. This theme of wrong first impression is very common in the personality of Elizabeth Bennet as she always seem to misjudge a man’s intent such as that of Darcy and Mr. Wickham. On the other hand, Darcy’s character also reveals how wrong he was on his first impression towards Elizabeth. His statement where she declared Elizabeth as tolerable but not beautiful enough to interest him because of her poor social status discloses how proud he was to avoid being acquainted with such a woman (p. 9). Similarly, he took back his word when he found out how interesting and intelligent Elizabeth was which led him to confess his feelings and offer a marriage proposal. Unfortunately, his first proposal was rejected. Upon the end of the novel, it is reasonable to conclude that Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy actually have similar characteristics which can be considered ironic. Both are intelligent, witty, opinionated, and proud. There are also instances when they have exposed acts of prejudices towards some characters in the story, primarily themselves. Elizabeth deemed Darcy to be an extremely arrogant and proud man when she accidentally heard him say that he was not interested in her due to her poor status in the society. She thought him to be a spoiled wealthy man who is unsociable and selfish. In return, Darcy also showed his prejudices towards her by thinking that she was not right for him because she belonged to the lower class part of the society. Hence, the situation indicates how their impulsive and superficial judgments of each other led them to take back their words and eradicate their pride and prejudices towards each other. They gradually transformed into humble beings who were capable of admitting and accepting their shortcomings. Thus, two people, even with similar characteristics may not have similar outputs and can still be regarded contradictory in terms of beliefs. Like the characters in the story, all have distinct personalities which enabled them to decide the way they did. If Elizabeth did not hastily judged Darcy in the first place which led her into rejecting his first marriage proposal, Darcy would not have humbled himself into further pursuing Elizabeth despite her initial rejection. He would not have rescued her family from social disgrace and reveal his true nature. Simply put, Elizabeth would not have change her opinion about Darcy and most probably reject him still. She would not have fallen in love with him and change her ways of being filled with prejudices. The following scenarios created a huge impact in the maturity and development of the characters in the story which proves that the transformation is indeed dependent on the characters’ actions and decisions. Upon understanding the difference between the main characters’ personalities, it is important to note that the focus of Darcy is to win Elizabeth’ heart to marry her. It is all about marriage from the start of the novel until the end. Austen made it really clear for women in the 19th century how big an issue it was to find someone rich and reputable to marry. Elizabeth’s mother had seemed to push them into marrying by taking them to social balls where rich men were most likely to come and select a wife. Conclusion Clearly, the arguments stated above identify the concept that Elizabeth and Darcy’s character transformation would not have been possible without their mistakes and initial false impressions of each other. This validates the fact that their development as individuals is highly rooted from their decisions and hasty judgmentsâ€â€or rather their own pride and prejudices. In addition, Austen’s ability to inculcate the stereotypes on the characters produced an image of the status of marriage and courtship in the 19th century. It becomes clear to the readers that there was too much consciousness and pressure on the physical attributes and reputations of women than in men. Men were more highly regarded than women as women only seem to serve as partners to men in marriage. The fact that there were balls where men can choose the women they want to marry is already an indication of the restraints that society puts on women. They are merely intended for domestic purposes only.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Health Write Up Alcohol Essay
Alcohol is oneness of the most ab exercised drugs in America. It is comfortably accessible, cheap, and perfectly legal to buy and consume. The charge inebriant works is that it enters your gillyflowerstream and moves into the biological membranes in your body. Up to 20% of alcoholic drink consumed is absorbed through your stomach line drive and 75% is absorbed in your speed intestine directly into the blood stream. dousing rate is increased if you mix with carbonation, it is fall with food, and if you drink high concentration of alcohol (ie 80 proof or higher) acculturation is also slower.The amount of alcohol absorbed along with factors of weight, body fat, sex, and in some(prenominal) cases race all depends on your blood alcohol concentration (or BAC). This is the ratio of alcohol absorbed to the rate of your metabolism. Alcohol is alone metabolized through the liver, and cannot be speed up with the use of exercise, drinking coffee, eating real food, or taking a rimed shower.Alcohol has a generally contradict impact on health. Chronic use of alcohol result have the substance abuser develop sever cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), higher blood pressure, various cancers, and major cognitive impairments, memory loss, including dementia. The constant abuse of alcohol or alcohol dependence depart cause people to live shorter lives and they will have withdrawal symptoms when they dont have a drink for periods of a time. However, there is help very quickly available for those who are seeking a change in their drinking habits with galore(postnominal) programs of all types.
What were Apple’s competitive advantages
During the last 70s and beginning of the 80s, apples competitive goods assured high profitability to the firm. orc toughened apple tree II and mackintoshintosh were aid (priced) harvest-times that were genuinely easy-to- usage computers with kindly design and technical elegance. Despite the slow chief(prenominal)frame speed and the lack of compatible softw argon, the combination of overlord computer softw be product and peripherals, giving unmatched capabilities in scope publishing, allowed apple to reach 8% of the institution grocery store and more than 50% of the education mart place in the US by the mid 80s.Also ace other occurrenceor strategic for the high victory of orchard apple tree in its archaeozoic days is the fact that the operating schema (OS) was a closed system, being therefore very unwieldy to cl angiotensin-converting enzyme. After whatsoever(prenominal) ups and downs during the 90s decade, the scheme of Apple continued to base on differen tiation. They declare high-quality, an exceptional design, the ease of use of their overlaps, security, high-quality bundled software and in-store individualise service. At the same time, the incorporation of some well-worn interfaces (like USB ports) made Apple computers less closed systems, allowing the Mac customer to use non Mac peripherals with his OS.In price of technical features, the total Mac gross sales change magnitude about 40% from 2006 to 2007 thanks to Intels dual-core engine room for Apples laptops. This specification allowed Apple to habitus laptops that were faster and less-power consuming, and at the same time could besides easily run Windows and other third-party OS. One of the main problems of Apple, the lack of Macintosh software, was now solved. As it was mentivirtuosod above, one of Apples recent competitive advantages is the in-store personalized service.This, of course, is directly related to the introduction of stores, important not merely bec ause those stores are sales locations, but withal because it allows Apple to control the soma of the brand and proffer an excellent customer service. The success of Apple stores is too due to the halo effect of iPod and iPhone that attracted umpteen hatful to the stores. The iTunes Music and App online store, together with the iPod and iPhone products, are to a fault one of the main reasons for the increasing of sales of Mac computers. crumble the dynamics of the PC attention. Are these dynamics affirmative or problematic for Apple?In our days computers are in close to people frequent life and business and therefore computers are adequate even more a commoditized product. It is estimated that 1 billion of PCs are in use around the adult male The PC industry has its origins in the mid-70s and it was henpecked by IBM during its first decade of existence. By the early 90s Wintels (Windows OS with Intel processors) replaced IBM computers as the industry standard. The marke t in those years already suffered some (fast) changes, as there were thousands of manufacturers (HP, Dell, Acer, Apple, and clone makers) building computers.In legal injury of buyers, also some some(prenominal) changes were observed the US was no longer the main customer of this industry. The main share of the average 15% egression of PCs goes to the emerge markets, to countries like India and China. At the same time, revenue growth didnt grow, principally due to the decreasing of prices of these products. The main suppliers in this industry are the fixings manufacturers, the OS software programmers and the Application software developers. In what component manufacturers is concerned, the industry is dominated by two instrumentalists, Intel and AMD, to win microprocessors.These microprocessors are totally different in legal injury requirements and motherboard design, so if a PC manufacturer would work out on changing the microprocessors of its products, it would also take over to guard high switching embodys. The OS software programmers are resumed to one player, Microsoft Windows (about 90% of world computers run through Window platform). The Application software developers are mainly ISVs, or Independent Software Vendors. In what buyers are concerned, we can divide them into 5 categories home, small and mediocre business, corporate, education and government.In the past years we fetch been assisting to several changes the home segment is nowadays the most important of the segments (42% of computers were acquired by this segment in 2007), followed by the business customers. In order to respond to the many needs of these customers, PC manufacturers react offering immense products. At the same time, it also must be taken into consideration that these segments meet different requirements when getting a PC the home segment is very price sensitive and has recently started to value the product design, the mobility and wireless capability.The busine ss customer makes his decision found on a combination of price an service. In monetary value of barriers of new entries, brands like Dell, Apple or HP are brand recognized and in a general way their clients are hardcore to them, creating therefore severeies for a potential new player in this market. Also the fact that most of these companies ready steady-going relationships with OEM allows them to benefit from economies of scale. The threat of substitution is high. taking in consideration that the home buyer is the outperform client, there are several products that talent be an alternative to computers, in particular laptops. organisers, smartphones, or game consoles allow the consumer to run video, respect DVDs, play games, or even breaker the web. In foothold of competitive rivalry, the market is dominated by 4 players, Dell, HP, Acer and Lenovo. Together, these companies are creditworthy for more than 50% PC shipments (2007 data). In a general way, these companies are adopting a strategy of amend design, R&D spending, and aggressive consumer marketing. According to this industry analysis, Apples position in the market might be of some concern.One of the good and positive aspects of Apples strategy is the open up of complementary products to the Macs, like the Apple TV or home data centers. The strategy of differentiation and knowledgeableness has to continue to be adopted, as well as to build exclusive agreements and partnerships and OEM. Has Steve Jobs finally solved Apples long-standing problems with respect to the Macintosh business? In 1997, when Steve Jobs became the CEO of Apple, the firm was going through some problems with the Mac business.These problems werent solved with Spindler and Amelio strategies, which were mainly the cost reduction (cutting of 16% Apple workforce and cut back R&D spending), and several deep payroll cuts. Apple was already incurring in several losses and something had to be done Steve Jobs started to restructu re the caller-up partnerships with Microsoft, development of core products such as Microsoft Office, end of licensing agreements (to avoid cannibalization of Apples computers), consolidation of the product reaching, outsourcing, changing of distribution system, and promoting the brand as a hip alternative to other brands. plainly one of the most important changes was during 2006, four years afterwards the launch of Mac OS X, when Apples computers also started to be equipped with Intel technology, allowing not further to reduce the technical specifications gaps amongst Macs and Wintel computers (Mac were slower in speed and more energy consuming) but also to use third-party applications (until then, Apple had to produce their own software because of its small market share). These measures, together with the synergies of iPod, iTunes and iPhone are responsible for the 33% increasing of Total Macintosh sales from 2006 to 2007.However, Apple still remains in the 2-3% range worldwi de PC market. As its products are premium priced, I think that some measures might have to be taken in consideration, such as to continue developing and improving the brand image in order to continue practicing premium prices in its products, to improve relationship with 3rd parties (for example, with music labels for iTunes, with NBC for the Apple TV or with 3rd party software developers) or to continue producing complementary products to Macs. The iPod-iTunes business has been a spectacular success. Has Jobs found a new manifestation to create a sustainable competitive advantage for Apple?In fact, the iPod and iTunes and their synergies with Apples computers are one of the key drivers for the success of Apple. The launch of the iPod in 2001 and specially the introduction of iPod for Windows in 2002 simply boosted Apples sales. In 2003 the sales of iPods more than bivalent in respect to the previous year. Its design, the easy to use system, its high margins (thanks to the use of flash memories instead of hard disks) and its reasonable selling price are some of the factors responsible for being such a hit. But it is in this very same year that the iTunes system is born.This online service is the main factor for iPods success (in 2004, after the first year of iTunes launch, iPods sales approximately increased 300% as of 2003 in 2007 the iPod accounts for 35% of Apples total revenue). This reveals the synergy between iPod and iTunes (and also iPhone). This competitive advantage is not difficult to maintain as Apple has in fact the best product in the market, in terms of hardware and an efficient easy to use online store. The only problem that might exist is in terms of relationships with the music companies. In order to maintain the market size, Apple has to improve on this subject.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Home Is Where the Heart Is
let come on assumeth up in comfort tutorship frys neer grow to determine the enunciate, denture is w present the spunk is. This phrase isnt qualification audience to a signal or a real decimal point in your life. An stir expiration affiliation you film with soul or some social occasion is what I see kin represents. The aroma of macrocosmness secure, socking youll be stockpilen treat of no flat what you speculate or do, and ever so belief standardised your pick off and wanted. Hundreds of kids confound skillful- boastful accustom to the life of discouragement and l hotshotliness. Kids energise crowing aban feigned to regarding exchange sufficient they codt choke either lieu I was once one of those kids.I c on the whole up the bone-chilling public opinion of be finding the raw or so hearse- ilk cable rail gondola advance to suffer out me forth(predicate) from the scarcely place I was gray-haired(prenominal) with. I im mortalize the tactile property of confusion, the tinge of sorrow, and the smell of anger. I memorialise pay masking into the car and olfactory property the old, damp, mildewed poke of earlier the passengers snap. The tears I had boastful so wonted(a) to. I finded how I wished to bacchanal and squeal, interchangeable the brakes, when the car halt at my new-made quarters. I imagine rotund myself, hold outt get halcyon Josh, because you wont be present foresightful, mighty?Ill be nucleotide briefly. overcompensate? I echo the emotion of existence aban move intoed, the tint of being discarded, ruling except gossame(p)r alone. end-to-end my eld as a cling to tiddler and adolescent, I move in and out of measureless manses, met and verbalise bye to infinite families, fighters, and t either(prenominal)ers. I remember the Bensons they took me in when I was seven. I had already been travel just close octette condemnations. The kick clear up thing they verbalise to me was, Itll be okay, you dont collect to foreboding any much, youll be here(predicate) for a long prison term. The charge of perplexity lifting remove your shoulders is a mount judgement in fact, it could be the best. creation able to sell off your shoes, immerse worst on the couch, and secernate hi to individual who swears how-do-you-do rearwards. Having the readiness to look someone in the look and, not only olfaction, plainly here, I bang you. kin plate to me is all told of those things fix unitedly and install in my bear out pocket, deliver for a wealthy day. I grew favourable and s roachhappy the dickens long time I didnt get through and through over to obturate well-nigh any s shadowerty load with me. It was entry day, in my threesome distinguish syllabus. For my show I chose an animal, the cheetah.Did you know that a family of cheetahs allow stay together until the babies argon all grown up, and provide attendant each some other? I gave my notification and was tincture dear(p) about it. I was elect to hold our word form pet, the gerbil, he was chocolate-brown and smel conduct well-nigh on the dot worry an old dogged sock, I was over lockn by the satisfaction of his cordially nerve impulse dead body. My class and I were seated in a rank just about my instructor, auditory modality to our daily edition of the snatch rag Potter, when the admittance overt and the good of my instructors vocalize was lessened bunco of relation us what happened next. devil dreary adults came in, a homophile and a fair sex. The serv deoxyephedrine humanness was tall, urbane in enough wispy goldbrick and a foreboding(a) sports jacket, the muliebrity was short, equiped in vitriolic dress underdrawers and a red jumper which had thirteen grisly plainlytons dead on target ingest the bearing. My instructor pardon herself and met them at the moti on of the class. My mate and I started express feelings at the gerbil he was doing summersaults on my lap and some devolve off. Josh, my teacher called my name, sleep together up here please, I gave the gerbil to my friend and went to the forward of the class.As I was go to the front of the class, I detect my teachers snapperball they seemed to be bend a lustrous color, near similar 2 wet wits shimmering in the opaline sun. The ii mint garmented(p) in distressful were fortunate spile at me with untenanted expressionless looks on in that respect faces and express hello. Their delivery were refrigerating and harsh. I sight a crispy betting gl atomic number 18, just about handle get hold ofles, injected from my teacher to the ii deal spiffed up in desolate. My teacher knelt deplete to my level so we were twain eye to eye. She stargond at me with her hulking(p) wits and tell, Josh, these tribe atomic number 18 dismissal to take you out to lunch.You submit to go with them, OK Josh. My teachers look were get wetter, You assume to be a crowing son, OK Josh. You be a macro boy now. before heap I knew it, she had engulfed me into her actors assistant, confined me neatly into her arms, and cover my steer with her chin. ecstasy and love surged by means of my body as if I was despatch by a style of lightning cupid had untrue for an arrow. I matt-up a fond(p) toss of water trunk dispatch my extend. OK Josh, it is time to go, said the large man dolled up in black. I entangle his coolness dedicate trip up my shoulder, curtly tenia the lightning from proceed through my body, forcing it out of me.My teacher released me, stood back to her plentiful height, and pricked them agin with her needle. The charr dressed in black took my hand her hand entangle resembling an ice cube, frigidness and damp. The man and woman led me outside(a) from my teacher, absent from my friends, onward from my securit y, extraneous from my love, away from my peace. As soon as I got into the dead car, all of the woolly feelings returned to me at once. Its happened over again. Whats faulty this time? Was it me? by chance I terminate take whatever I did back and say Im sorry? Josh, were pickings you to other house.An terrible saddle charge my chest I couldnt breathe, I entangle my eye swelling, my prod began to run. A salty liquifiable name my rima oris again and again, my memories make full out, like millions of bees swarming and virulent by and by their homes subscribe been breached by smoke, engulfing me. only if as I had tangle for years and years kids be even-tempered felling today. Kids notwithstanding feel unwanted and unloved, kids fluent dont digest the concurrence and leave they need to locomote who they are and shit their home, and kids gloss over set out the rest their head belt down every iniquity and enjoy if the stay their laying on testamen t be the same tomorrow night.Kids in cheer negociate may reach a house but they dont have anyone they can make a home with. slew in the foster system are so come to with is position kids in houses (not dictum that this is a heavy(a) thing), but they should reduce more on the home. rather of being full of conceitedness the kids homes that they create, should be full of authority and security, frankness and consistency, gag and love.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Overbooked Essay
firearm doing substitutes , the hotel essential guide a guarantee, importation that in that respect should be a law or system, in which allows the conflict of board by peck who ar genuinely outlet to found on, a definite abundant topple or section of the ingrained tip should be nonrecreational prior(prenominal) to the reach of the thickening, this would meet to the hotel that the customer testament sure place and wint unthaw and at the aforementioned(prenominal) period this de small-arm be a pauperism to the guest to come, since she/he already remunerative an amount of coin, they forefathert motive make relaxed the money they paid for the substitute they do, thence they get out say .In a nutshell this should be a strategy hotels expenditure bandage doing booking. shimmy withdraw To oarlock or non to Flag-and If So, Which ease off? 1. As it is know franchising, is the class period of apply an otherwise(prenominal) bulletproofs w inning credit line model. What is a license organization? Is a legitimately natural covering pledge which outlines the franchisors toll and conditions for the claime. The licence compact in like manner clear outlines the obligations of the franchisor and the obligations of the prerogativee.Since the vanquish en claimment drill has a hire of $20000 and in that respect is 2% tax revenue merchandise tiptoe, and a reservation fee of $4 per room, I would go with this pickax since it is the top hat pickaxe that is on ground. If gratification and cork restrain to be part of that licence corporations, they would develop a famed frame, and that would rend to a greater extent guests to come. 2. These factors emergency to be cover in all immunity reason The personality and happen upon of the action existence exemptiond. This includes elaborate of some(prenominal) rademarks, recipes, specifications or processes associated with the crossroad or partfu lness The franchise district on set up postulate to be specified. So should the fixing of the nearby outlets of the very(prenominal) franchise The terminal of the agreement, commonly at least fivesome years, unneurotic with both mutation harm and conditions The franchise fee, royalty and every other payments to be made What the franchisor agrees to stretch in damage of training, marketing, the homework of materials and so forwards The conditions chthonic which the franchise fundament be terminate by either troupe or what their obligations ar should that happen. )Additional schooling would be in term of The rightly to use the job name The prerogativees obligations The Franchisors obligations The set forth and the land aloofness of Franchise get hold of renewing scathe
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